Autogenous bone versus deproteinised bovine bone matrix in 1-stage lateral sinus floor elevation in the severely atrophied maxilla: a randomised controlled trial.

Eur J Oral Implantol. 2013 Spring;6(1):27-37.

Autogenous bone versus deproteinised bovine bone matrix in 1-stage lateral sinus floor elevation in the severely atrophied maxilla: a randomised controlled trial.



To compare 100% deproteinised bovine bone matrix (DBBM) grafts (test group) with 100% autogenous bone (AB) grafts (control group) for lateral maxillary sinus floor elevation in a parallel group, superiority, randomised controlled trial.


Patients with 1 to 3 mm of residual bone height below the maxillary sinus were randomised for sinus floor elevation with DBBM and AB grafts and simultaneous implant placement. Randomisation was computer generated with allocation concealment by sealed envelopes and the radiographic examiner was blinded to group assignment. The abutment connection was performed 8 months after surgery and insertion of the provisional prostheses was performed 9 months after surgery. Outcome variables were implant failures, prosthetic failures, complications, chair time, postoperative pain and radiographic bone level 6 months after loading.


Forty patients were randomised: 20 (32 implants) to the DBBM group and 20 (27 implants) to the AB group. One patient from the AB group dropped out. Two implant failures occurred in the DBBM group and no implant failure occurred in the AB group (P = 0.4872). All of the planned prostheses could be delivered. One complication occurred in the DBBM group and 2 in the AB group (P = 0.6050). Chair time was shorter for the DBBM group, with a difference of 27.3 minutes (P = 0.0428). Pain difference measured with a visual analogue scale for 6 days post-surgery was 0.2 in favour of the DBBM group (P = 0.6838). The difference in vertical bone height was 0.0 mm (95% CI -1.1, 1.1; P = 0.9703) and the difference in marginal bone level was 0.3 in favour of AB (95% CI -0.3, 0.9; P = 0.3220).


No differences apart from chair time were observed when comparing DBBM and AB grafts with simultaneous implant placement in sinus elevation.

PMID: 23513200 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
autogenous bone, biomaterials, bone augmentation, bone reconstruction, implant, membranes, sinus elevation
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