Membranes and Bone Substitutes in a One-Stage Procedure for Horizontal Bone Augmentation: A Histologic Double-Blind Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Jul-Aug;35(4):463-71. doi: 10.11607/prd.2418.

Membranes and Bone Substitutes in a One-Stage Procedure for Horizontal Bone Augmentation: A Histologic Double-Blind Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial.


The aim of this histologic, double-blind, parallel, randomized controlled trial was to compare anorganic bone mineral-collagen membranes (BB) and betatricalcium phosphate-pericardium collagen membranes (CJ) in a one-stage procedure for horizontal bone augmentation. A biopsy was performed in the regenerated area at abutment connection 6 months after surgery. Five patients were assigned and treated with the BB combination and five patients were treated with the CJ combination. At abutment connection, 6 months after grafting, no significant differences were evident in the histomorphometric comparisons, even if the percentage of residual graft, using the marrow spaces and soft tissue as a reference, tended to be greater in the CJ group (P = .0759).

PMID: 26133135
biomaterials, bone augmentation, bone reconstruction, membranes
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